Friday, May 22, 2009


When Connor was small I practically forced him to take a pacifier. I would have done almost anything at that point to stop the screaming! Fast forward 20 months or so, and here we are, taking his pacifier away. I was feeling so guilty about the whole thing, taking away his most precious comfort object. On David's brilliant suggestion, we decided to leave the pacis in the crib and cut of the tips, so there'd be no suction. It seems to be working! Last night he took longer than usual to fall asleep, but he still slept through most of the night. He woke up at 4:40, and we could hear him trying one "broken" paci after another. Then he started screaming. But, David went in, told him it wasn't time to get up, sang to him, and he went back to sleep for another 45 mins! Not bad, right?! So far, so good.....

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'm glad it's going better than you had expected :) Brandt is getting a bit better since he's only using his pacifiers for nap and bedtime now. We take them away when he's up. It was a huge battle at first but now he's fine with it. I'm eager to rid him of them altogether, though.