Monday, May 11, 2009

The Pregnancy That Never Ends

What no one tells you when you get pregnant:

That your vagina and breasts will be forever ruined. Seriously. Ruined. Forever.

That you will now understand why otherwise slim-looking women are wearing tankinis.

That the circles under your eyes can't even be covered up with concealer.

That almost 2 YEARS after having a baby you will be making an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to talk about pain and numbness in your wrist and hands. The pain and numbness started RIGHT AFTER YOU HAD THE BABY. Coincidence? I think not.....I'm really nervous about what this doctor is going to say because I obviously need my hands and wrists to be in good working condition for what I do. Not to mention the mother things that I do.

These are just a fraction of the things no one tells you.


The Willinghams said...

You make it sounds so scary!!

Karen said...

You mean that when the celebrities bounce back only 10 weeks after having their babies and claim it was the breastfeeding that just melted away the pounds, that they're liars?!?!

I'm sorry your wrists are bothering you - I hope they feel better soon.

Clay Mama said...

It is scary. Any anyone who tells you it isn't is a liar. My personal idea for a campaign to halt teen pregnancy is to show them before and after pics of mothers' breasts and "situations" down there. Not to mention the railroad track stomachs. If all else fails, appeal to people's vanity.

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