Thursday, April 30, 2009

Busy bees

There's been so much going on the past 2 weeks, I feel like my head might explode. I keep forgetting things, and am having trouble accessing my vocabulary. That's one of my quirks: When I'm extremely busy/nervous/hungover I cannot remember even the simplest words. I usually end up asking someone to pass me "you know, the thing" while pointing at the desired object. This should A) really help my son with his vocabulary development, and B) make me look like a total moron at my gallery opening.

Speaking of which, I'M HAVING AN ART SHOW!!! I'm really excited about this, it's my first show since I've been working as an artist on my own. I'm showing with two other wonderful ceramic artists, Stef Greener and Judith Arnaud Gary. The gallery owners, Bob and Wade, have been quite supportive and patient. It's going to be great. The show will be at Deadwood Picture Framing at 425 N. Ferro Avenue (zip: 85705). Come on down for some wine and art!

I sold work at my first art fair last weekend to benefit Handi-Dogs. I love this organization, but traffic was really slow. It was the first year, so they've promised to do a better job with marketing next year. I did have a few sales and traded some work for a couple of cute motorcycle t-shirts for Connor.


Karen said...

I'm so excited for tomorrow night! You are such a great artist and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your pieces :)

Ashley said...

I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one that has vocabulary issues when I have a lot of my mind. The other day I found myself staring at a frisbee not remembering the word. I said to Cole to go get the..uh, uh, umm, uh...Frisbee!

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